Download big earthworm
Download big earthworm

download big earthworm

Earthworms induce the production of hormone-like substances that improve plant growth and health. (3) The positive correlation between earthworm abundance and crop production is not systematic, and contrasting effects on yields have been observed.

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Specifically, earthworms stabilize SOM fractions within their casts, and they also increase the mineralization of organic matter in the short term by altering physical protection within aggregates and enhancing microbial activity.

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(2) Earthworms modify soil organic matter (SOM) and nutrient cycling. The major points are the following: (1) Earthworms usually improve soil structural stability and soil porosity and reduce runoff. Here, we review the benefits of earthworms for crops, and we present techniques to increase earthworm abundance. This issue may be solved by a better management of organisms living in crop fields. Intensive agriculture is often criticized for negative impacts on environment and human health.

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