How to plot a graph in excel using an equation
How to plot a graph in excel using an equation

We will be using Trigonometric function from Excel:

how to plot a graph in excel using an equation

We need to setup cells for inputting variables:ģ- Distance along X-Axis i.e. We have our velocity in m/s, acceleration due to gravity represented by “g” equal to 9.8 m/s2 and angle in degrees.

how to plot a graph in excel using an equation

Where x is the horizontal distance covered and y is the height of the projectile. The moment of projectile is governed by few factors and that we need to consider these factors: The major force acting on a projectile is the force of gravity. The path of a projectile is called its trajectory. a football kicked by the goal keeper is an example of projectile, so is a bomb fired from the cannon – both follows similar laws in different domains of life.Ī projectile is any object that is fired, pitched, tossed, or thrown. We came across projectile in our daily life – be it throwing of a ball, a car falling from a jump-ramp etc. Our today’s post discussed how we can plot the path of such a pebble (that is called projectile in physics) in Excel. Have you ever thrown a pebble in water? You must have in your childhood! The pebble follows not a straight line but a parabolic path.

How to plot a graph in excel using an equation